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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Build Bigger Arms & Gain Muscle Strength – Jon Spurling’s Beginner Workout”

Build more upper body strength and muscle mass with part 1 of this 3 part series with Jon Spurling. More challenging postures...

“1000 Ways to Die” You’re Dead! LOL! 210

210 You're Dead! LOL! A new series demonstrating more gruesome and outlandish ways in which people meet their ends, featuring reconstructions of people's last moments...

“Psych” Programma di protezione

A Very Juliet Episode Shawn e Gus si stanno occupando di un vecchio caso di omicidio, il cui testimone chiave dell'accusa è un ex...

“CSI: New York” Formula 615

615 Episode : Formula The Formula La squadra si ritrova a indagare nel competitivo universo della formula in seguito alla morte di un pilota di F1...

“Modern Family” Giochi pericolosi 115

115 Episode : Giochi pericolosi My Funky Valentine E' il giorno di S. Valentino e ogni coppia festeggia a modo suo. Phil e Claire vanno in...

“Midsomer Murders” The Sword of Guillaume

The Sword of Guillaume Barnaby joins a trip from Midsomer Parva to Brighton because he's suspicious about a deal to buy coastal land for...

“Modern Family” My Funky Valentine 115

115 My Funky Valentine It's Valentine's Day and, while Phil and Claire plan a special trip, Jay woos Gloria by taking her to a stand-up...

“The Electric Company” Goodnight, Robot 26

26 The Electric Company tries to save a literary landmark from destruction. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Electric Company...

“Nip/Tuck” Dr. Griffin 76

76 Dr. Griffin Sean and Christian reveal secrets and lay bare past pains as they begin psychotherapy together., Sean and Christian reveal secrets and lay...

“MANswers” 310

310 Cars that impress women; tips for seducing a twin; green advice that may improve sex lives; the largest manhood. Q&A : Q: Who are...