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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Big Love” Per amore o per vendetta 47

47 Episode : Per amore o per vendetta Blood Atonement Bill e Joey raggiungono il Messico per cercare di aiutare Lois e Frank. Margene intanto vuol...

“I Simpson” Il colore giallo 2113

2113 Episode : Il colore giallo The Color Yellow Lisa deve scrivere un tema su un antenato degno di nota della sua famiglia, ma da Homer...

“Cold Case” Metamorfosi

Episode : Metamorfosi Metamorphosis La squadra indaga sulla morte, avvenuta nel 1971, di un giovane aviatore caduto durante un pericoloso spettacolo circense: le nuove prove...

“Being Human” Damage 27

27 Damage Mitchell learns a shocking truth about Lucy and her involvement in the vampire massacre; Nina returns, forcing George to make a difficult decision;...

“Srugim” 27

27 Amir gets stuck with a field trip at school, but tries to support Yifat when she has a chance to do something other...

“‘Til Death” The Perfect Couple 414

414 The Perfect Couple Over Eddie's objections, Joy invites a couple (Kevin Nealon, Susan Yeagley) she barely knows to dinner, and they immediately click with...

“Ax Men” Showdown 36

36 Showdown One of the greenhorns is sent packing, Melvin and the crew finally have it out and Jimmy and Jo Collins square up., Tempers...

“Rich Bride, Poor Bride” And All the Fixin’s 48

48 And All the Fixin's A self-proclaimed "anti-bride" limits her creative fiancé's spending. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Rich Bride, Poor...

“How to Make It in America” Crisp 12

12 Crisp In debt, once again, to Rene, Ben and Cam search all over New York City for a manufacturer to help them get their...

“Sinbad: Where U Been?”

Comedian Sinbad performs. Topics include America's black president; the recession; and marriage. Taped in Los Angeles in September 2009., Thirteen years after his...