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Date Released

List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“The Middle” Tv o non tv 120

120 Episode : Tv o non tv TV or Not TV La compagnia elettrica taglia la corrente agli Heck per via di una bolletta non pagata....

“CSI: New York” Redenzione 619

619 Episode : Redenzione Redemption Hawkes si ritrova in mezzo a una rivolta in prigione mentre è in visita in un penitenziario in Pennsylvania per rispondere...

“Modern Family” La rivincita di Phil 120

120 Episode : La rivincita di Phil Benched Phil e Jay provano a sostituire l'allenatore della squadra di basket di Luke e Manny. Cam non vede...

“Guardia Costiera” Il profumo della morte 1324

1324 Episode : Il profumo della morte Der Duft des Todes Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Guardia Costiera "Il profumo della...

“ZingZillas” Squeaky Boots 19

19 Squeaky Boots Panzee's new boots have arrived, but they don't sound quite as nice as they look., Children's entertainment., A band of primate friends...

“Ugly Americans” Treegasm 15

15 Treegasm The city celebrates the Treegasm event - the mating ritual of two 'treatures' who live in Central Park. Elsewhere, Callie needs to have...

“H2O: Just Add Water” Mako Masters 322

322 Mako Masters The full moon rises early, forcing the girls to be careful about avoiding exposure. The girls then head to the Moon Pool...

“Human Target” Christopher Chance 112

112 Christopher Chance In the first-season finale, Chance's former boss tries to convince him to come back to his old job, which prompts Chance, Winston...

“CSI: NY” Redemptio 619

619 Redemption Hawkes gets caught up in a prison riot when he visits a Pennsylvania penitentiary to honor a death-row inmate's final request and comes...

“In Plain Sight” Coma Chameleon 33

33 Coma Chameleon After being in a coma for three years, an ATF agent wakes up to find out he is now in the witness...