Episode : Catastrofe con il cavatappi
Corkscrew Catastrophe
Scopriamo come i chirurghi abbiano salvato un uomo che si è infilzato con un cavatappi industriale. Incontriamo...
Episode : Crollo in miniera
Enemy Mine
Dopo un improvviso crollo in miniera viene chiesto l'aiuto della squadra soccorsi speciali: Vince e gli altri dovranno...
"The Bachelorette" world tour hits Istanbul, where Ali learns something disturbing about one of the seven remaining bachelors. She also takes one to...
This profile of pathologist and right-to-die activist Jack Kevorkian examines his controversial career, prison sentence, paintings, musical compositions, inventions and foray into politics,...
The contestants become Vegas tour-bus guides in a challenge that tests their knowledge of trivia, their pronunciation skills and even their ethics when...