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“The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History” S:1 E:7 Build a Logical Case–Susan B. Anthony

S:1 E:7 Build a Logical Case--Susan B. Anthony Logic should always guide the sequence of your thoughts, whether you're giving a sermon, a corporate report,...

“The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History” S:1 E:2 Practice Your Delivery–Patrick Henry

S:1 E:2 Practice Your Delivery--Patrick Henry Key to effective speaking is using your voice and body to reinforce your meaning. Using examples from Patrick Henry,...

“The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History” S:1 E:5 Make It a Story–Marie Curie on Discovery

S:1 E:5 Make It a Story--Marie Curie on Discovery Turn now to a series of lectures on composing effective speeches. Here, investigate the benefits of...

“Holy Land Revealed” S:1 E:18 From Roman Annexation to Herod the Great

S:1 E:18 From Roman Annexation to Herod the Great Witness the rise of Herod the Great: the ruthless king who governed Judea between 40 and...

“Holy Land Revealed” S:1 E:26 Monumental Tombs in the Time of Jesus

S:1 E:26 Monumental Tombs in the Time of Jesus Turn now to burial customs spanning the Second Temple period, with a particular emphasis on the...

“Holy Land Revealed” S:1 E:36 What and How Archaeology Reveals

S:1 E:36 What and How Archaeology Reveals What is it like to work alongside an archaeologist in the field? In Professor Magness's final lecture, experience...

“Holy Land Revealed” S:1 E:15 The Sectarian Settlement at Qumran

S:1 E:15 The Sectarian Settlement at Qumran Continue touring the site at Qumran, with a focus on three distinctive features of the settlement. These are...

“Holy Land Revealed” S:1 E:8 Babylonian Exile and the Persian Restoration

S:1 E:8 Babylonian Exile and the Persian Restoration In 539 B.C.E., after the Babylonians were subsumed by the Persian Empire, the exiled Judeans were allowed...

“Batman: The Brave and the Bold” I combattenti per la libertà 222

222 Episode : I combattenti per la libertà Cry Freedom Fighters! Il dittatore del pianeta Qward, chiamato il Presidente Supremo, ha intenzione di conquistare la terra...

“CSI: New York” Morta di paura 79

79 Episode : Morta di paura Scared Stiff Una ragazza tenta di scappare da un aggressore nel parco, ma subito dopo viene ritrovata una seconda vittima...