S:1 E:17
The Teachings of the Buddha
This lecture begins with the search for enlightenment by a young Indian prince and concludes with an introduction...
S:1 E:7
Intermediate Multiplication
Take mental multiplication to an even higher level. Professor Benjamin shows you five methods for accurately multiplying any two-digit numbers. Among...
S:1 E:29
Nietzsche - Achieving Authenticity
Nietzsche's repudiation of modernity's concept of a meaningful life does not mean he lacks his own. This lecture presents...
S:1 E:11
Advanced Multiplication
Professor Benjamin shows you how to do enormous multiplication problems in your head, such as squaring three-digit and four-digit numbers; cubing...
S:1 E:26
Mill's Call to Individuality and to Liberty
Readings from John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" reveal the first purely individualistic doctrine of the meaning...
S:1 E:8
The Speed of Vedic Division
Vedic mathematics, which has been around for centuries, is extremely helpful for solving division problems: much more efficiently...
S:1 E:8
Hubble's View of Galaxies Near and Far
Hubble's image of the nearby galaxy NGC 3370 includes many faint galaxies in the background, exemplifying...