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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Personal Trainer: Intensive Advanced Yoga”

Franziska Beckmann takes you through a complex training program that includes advanced asanas (yoga positions) and challenging yoga sequences as an increase...

“Clip: Angry Video Game Nerd” S:5 E:11 R.O.B. the Robot

S:5 E:11 R.O.B. the Robot The AVGN reviews Gyromite (NES), Stack-Up (NES). In the 100th episode special, the Nerd rants about all the bad games...

“Personal Trainer: Intensive Yoga for Beginners”

Intense Yoga with Franziska Beckmann is a dynamic, powerful exercise unit in which the basics of yoga are taught and completed Basic...

“Personal Trainer: Legs, Bums and Tums”

Filmed at exclusive locations on Majorca, Personal Trainer Janina Schmoll presents powerful workouts for more health, beauty, and well-being. These easy-to-learn and...

“Il commissario Manara” L’addio di Lara 22

22 Episode : L'addio di Lara L'addio di Lara Lara è partita e Luca Manara sceglie di rimanere nell'agriturismo di Ada. Ma colpo di scena! Luca,...

“The Garfield Show” Spia o non spia? 27

27 Episode : Spia o non spia? The Spy Who Fed Me Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Garfield Show "Spia...

“Bear Grylls: l’ultimo sopravvissuto” Norvegia

Norway Bear si trova di fronte a situazioni estreme in Norvegia. Si spinge al limite, dimostrando come staccarsi da un paracadute a metà della...

“Trashopolis” London 11

11 London The year is 43AD. As London prospers, the constant struggle with trash increases, generating huge public projects to alter the shape of the...

“Human Planet” Cities – Surviving the Urban Jungle 18

18 Cities - Surviving the Urban Jungle The landmark nature series here looks at the one environment made by humans for humans - the city,...

“Sins & Secrets” Nantucket 13

13 Nantucket The 2004 murder of entrepreneur Beth Lochtefeld in Nantucket, Mass., is detailed., In the premier vacation spot of Nantucket there hadn't been a...