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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Optimizing Brain Fitness” S:1 E:5 Focusing Your Attention

S:1 E:5 Focusing Your Attention The basis of improving your memory: focusing your attention. Here, explore a range of topics, including the physiological effects of...

“Optimizing Brain Fitness” S:1 E:2 How Your Brain Changes

S:1 E:2 How Your Brain Changes Your brain and your intelligence can change throughout your life span. Here, look closer at the way changes in...

“Optimizing Brain Fitness” S:1 E:8 Putting Your Senses to Work

S:1 E:8 Putting Your Senses to Work Imaginative memory techniques--such as mnemonic devices and personal associations--have been used to improve memory for over 1,000 years....

“Optimizing Brain Fitness” S:1 E:7 Exercising Your Working Memory

S:1 E:7 Exercising Your Working Memory Focus now on working memory--the most important memory process of all and one that involves manipulating stored information. After...

“Optimizing Brain Fitness” S:1 E:11 Taking Advantage of Technology

S:1 E:11 Taking Advantage of Technology Take a closer look at the impact of modern technology on how our brains function. You'll explore the positive...

“Martha Bakes” Biscuits and Scones 112

112 Biscuits and Scones Martha prepares herb-buttermilk biscuits and angel biscuits. Also: cream scones with orange-liqueur-soaked currants., Martha Stewart shows how to bake with confidence....

“Mike & Molly” Il licenziamento

Samuel Gets Fired Samuel perde il lavoro e l'appartamento, e Mike, impietosito, lo invita a stare a casa sua..., Samuel perde il lavoro e...

“Adventure Time – Abenteuerzeit mit Finn und Jake” Il club dei film 223

223 Episode : Il club dei film Video Makers Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Adventure Time - Abenteuerzeit mit Finn und...

“How I met your mother” Senza speranza 621

621 Episode : Senza speranza Hopeless Sitcom di successo su un architetto che un bel giorno decide di raccontare ai suoi figli come ha conosciuto la...

“Er: storie incredibili” Cranio congelato 44

44 Episode : Cranio congelato Skull on Ice Scopriamo come i dottori negli Stati Uniti abbiano salvato uno skateboarder con gravi ferite alla testa, congelando parti...