In the first-season finale, "The Hour" prepares to defy censorship with a controversial report on the Suez Canal crisis; and Freddie finally discovers...
I Must Confess
Aria, Emily, Hanna e Spencer decidono finalmente di rivelare che esiste un ricattatore misterioso. La nonna di Hanna arriva in città...,...
Christine Granville: Polish Spy
Christine Granville fu la migliore spia donna della Gran Bretagna. Durante la II Guerra Mondiale rischiò costantemente la vita per...
Civil War Treasures/19 C. Camera
A rare telescope, a 19th-century camera and diaries from a Civil War infantry captain are featured., The crew take...
Teenage Rampage
Rex comes home from the hospital, while Todd and Laura worry about the resulting medical bills. Elsewhere, Todd pursues a promising business...
The Torturer
Convicted killer Lee Knoch goes on the lam after escaping from an Oregon prison; an inmate's bid for freedom unfolds in Virginia.
Christine Granville: Polish Spy
Polish-born SOE agent Christine Granville gathered vital information with the French Resistance and had an incredible confrontation with the Gestapo.