Episode : Registrazione scomoda
Dirty Tape
Seth e Rich intravedono dei possibili profitti su alcuni rari oggetti dei Nirvana. Inoltre, un cliente irremovibile chiede di...
No Money, Mo Problems
Melanie seeks a purpose in life while Tasha looks to collect a debt.Elsewhere, Malik reconsiders his flashy lifestyle., Melanie seeks...
It Is What It Is
Jasmine becomes uncomfortable as the relationship between Crosby and Lily grows., Zeek receives surprising medical news; Crosby starts a...
Extreme Fighting
"Extreme Fighting" looks at different cultures' interpretations of acceptable violence., Test the boundaries of acceptable violence, as we visit a goat-killing family...
Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear
Melody attributes Emmett's troublemaking behavior to Bay. Elsewhere, Regina becomes Angelo's business partner; Daphne's displeased with her basketball coach;...