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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Clip: Casters” S:1 E:4 The Night Before The Beach Attack

S:1 E:4 The Night Before The Beach Attack Anne drops by to check in. Ronnie runs in to an old friend and is reminded of...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Sangue 1214

1214 Episode : Sangue Seeing Red Nick aiuta la vittima di un incidente automobilistico a rimettere insieme i frammenti della sua memoria ricostruendo la scena del...

“Royal pains” Hank e il profondo mare blu 315

315 Episode : Hank e il profondo mare blu Hank and the Deep Blue Sea Jack continua ad eludere la sua malattia, ma dopo essere uscito...

“The Middle” Il concerto 315

315 Episode : Il concerto The Concert Sue vuole andare al concerto di Justin Bieber e fa di tutto per procurarsi i biglietti, ma invano. Frankie,...

“Guardia Costiera” Al di là dell’Eden 1520

1520 Episode : Al di là dell'Eden Jenseits von Eden Hein Nordstern, famoso cantante pop, viene ucciso a bordo del suo yacht da una mano misteriosa....

“Maneater Manhunt” Killer Leopards 12

12 Killer Leopards Leopards appear to be hunting humans outside Mumbai., Gordon travels to Mumbai to find out why the leopards in one of Earth's...

“Remodeled” Attitude Adjustment 15

15 Attitude Adjustment Paul tries to revive an agency in St. Louis. Meanwhile, a model from the Network's Orlando agency walks a fashion show in...

“Ghost Hunters” City Hell 86

86 City Hell Visiting Rhode Island to probe Providence City Hall. Also: a historic house in Farmington, N.Y., is investigated. Q&A : Q: Who are the...

“Only in America With Larry the Cable Guy” Redneck Extravaganzas 26

26 Redneck Extravaganzas Larry treks to the South to document the endeavors of good old boys. This study of "rednecks" includes a look at dirty,...

“Survivor: One World” Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules 241

241 Two Tribes, One Camp, No Rules It's a battle of the sexes when tribes are separated into men versus women, but they are in...