Episode : Charlie cerca di dimostrare che la terapia serve
Charlie Proves Therapy is Legit
Charlie conosce Lori, l'affascinante socia in affari di Jennifer e...
Space Pens; Reef Aquariums; Metal Caskets; Composite Bike Wheels
Find out how petanque balls, biologic medicines, asphalt pavers, and basque espadrilles are made., As...
Walking on Broken Glass, Pt. 2
Conclusion. Nothing in Drew's life is going well. Meanwhile, casting the school play proves problematic for Eli and...
Chase's visions are getting more intense while Beyal's are disappearing. Dom Pyro returns to make the team into trophies., Chase's Monsuno vision grows...
Poly Rules
Anthony and Vanessa surprise Lindsey on her date with Krystof; Kamala isn't sure she's ready to introduce Roxanne to the polyamorous life.
...And the King of Rock & Roll
Kalli has an Elvis impersonator, Maria dances the 'Wedding Wobble', Carrie wants star-shaped lanterns and Beth's dog...