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“The Science of Natural Healing” S:1 E:14 Turning Stress into Strength

S:1 E:14 Turning Stress into Strength Your response to stress is intimately related to how you view the world. In learning to neutralize stress, map...

“The Breathing Normalization Method: Mind, Spirit and Breath – Thinking, Chanting, Prayers As Breathing Exercises. Learn Buteyko To Stop Breathing Difficulties And Improve Health.”

This is the 5th session in the 5-part series about Breathing Normalization. This instructional video helps to understand the connection between spirituality,...

“Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time” S:1 E:13 Boltzmann Brains

S:1 E:13 Boltzmann Brains One possible explanation for order in the universe is that it is a random fluctuation from a disordered state. Could the...

“Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time” S:1 E:10 Playing with Entropy

S:1 E:10 Playing with Entropy Sharpen your understanding of entropy by examining different macroscopic systems and asking, which has higher entropy and which has lower...

“Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time” S:1 E:12 Memory, Causality, and Action

S:1 E:12 Memory, Causality, and Action Can physics shed light on human aspects of the arrow of time such as memory, cause and effect, and...

“Pelvic Yoga Basics, with Kimberlee Bethany Bonura, PhD, RYT”

Pelvic Yoga Basics: Introduction to Pelvic Floor Exercise provides step-by-step instructions in the basics of pelvic floor exercise. Pelvic Yoga supports pelvic...

“Mysteries of Modern Physics: Time” S:1 E:6 Reversibility and the Laws of Physics

S:1 E:6 Reversibility and the Laws of Physics Isaac Newton's laws of physics are fully reversible; particles can move forward or backward in time without...

“Suburgatory” Natale in famiglia

Krampus George regala a Tessa un viaggio a New York dalla madre pensando di farle cosa gradita. Tessa, invece, sente una terribile nostalgia di...

“Suburgatory” Il primo incontro

The Wishbone Tessa trascorre il giorno del ringraziamento con la mamma e la nonna. George viene reclutato per la cena del Ringraziamento dopo che...

“Suburgatory” Guarire yakult

Yakult Leader Yakult sta vivendo un momento difficile della sua vita, è molto depressa; Dallas chiede aiuto a Yoni per risolvere la situazione. La...