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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Covert Affairs” Rock ‘N Roll Suicide 311

311 Rock 'N Roll Suicide The fallout from the breathtaking events in Russia continues, as the team work to get Annie released from prison., Auggie,...

“Il Commissario Schumann” La spada del re 71

71 Episode : La spada del re Des Königs Schwert La storia si dipana intorno alla morte di un famosissimo e talentuoso falsario, Mister Origo, che...

“Ordine e disordine” 1ª parte: L’energia 11

11 Episode : 1ª parte: L'energia Energy Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Ordine e disordine "1ª parte: L'energia 1 1? A:...

“Joséphine, ange gardien” La figlia segreta

Marie-Antoinette Joséphine deve aiutare Laura Calle, celebre attrice. Si fa assumere come truccatrice sul set del suo ultimo film, e scopre che l'attrice cela...

“Joséphine, ange gardien” Fantasmi del passato

Chasse aux fantômes La Scozia, i suoi laghi, i suoi castelli e... i suoi fantasmi! Questo pensa Joséphine quando arriva davanti all'immensa dimora dei...

“Ben and Kate” 21st Birthday 14

14 21st Birthday Ben throws Kate the 21st-birthday party she never had. He invites her high-school friend Molly to the bash, but Tommy isn't happy...

“Hard Time” Mental Hell 410

410 Mental Hell Profiling drug addicts and mentally ill inmates at Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas., Find out how the large numbers of...

“Brickleberry” Squabbits 14

14 Squabbits Competition with Yellowstone prompts Woody's plan to spotlight cute animals, so Steve hatches an idea for a squirrel-rabbit hybrid., In an effort to...

“Tattoo Nightmares” Butt Pirate 14

14 Butt Pirate A client wants a mistake made in Las Vegas transformed into a pirate masterpiece in the premiere of this reality show, which...

“Larry King Now” Deepak and Gotham Chopra 153

153 Deepak and Gotham Chopra Self-proclaimed atheist Larry King tackles the question of faith with spiritual leader Deepak Chopra and his son, Gotham, whose new...