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“Guardia Costiera” Passione 164

164 Episode : Passione Herzfeuer A breve distanza di tempo avvengono due incidenti: nel primo Vanessa Gerlach, una nota attrice televisiva, sta per restare uccisa durante...

“Law & Order: Unità speciale” Vite parallele 1412

1412 Episode : Vite parallele Criminal Hatred Gli agenti dell'Unità Vittime Speciali lavorano sotto copertura per arrestare un uomo che aggredisce brutalmente gli omosessuali. Q&A : Q:...

“Chicago Fire” Una morte annunciata 113

113 Episode : Una morte annunciata Warm and Dead Boden teme per Ernie: infatti a breve scopre che e' morto in un incendio. In seguito alla...

“L’ispettore Barnaby” Scuola di omicidio 155

155 Episode : Scuola di omicidio Schooled in Murder Nel bel mezzo di una riunione del comitato dei genitori degli studenti del collegio privato di Midsomer,...

“Full Throttle Saloon” All Tuckered Out 47

47 Country singer Colt Ford takes the stage, while the evening's headliner, Tanya Tucker, disappears in the hours before she's scheduled to perform. Meanwhile,...

“Clip: Minecraft Hunger Games” S:1 E:11 Game #11-43 Apples!

S:1 E:11 Game #11-43 Apples! Playing some Minecraft Hunger Games... This is Game 11/15, There will be 15 Games in one Season. Watch on Amazon

“The Ancient Art of Belly Dance for Labor”

It's a little-known fact that belly dance began as a birth ritual. The rhythmic movements and circles help mothers caress their little...

“One Born Every Minute” Episode 5 45

45 Episode 5 Midwife Linda Abbott returns to Leeds General. A year after retiring she realised she missed working at the hospital, and the hospital...

“Bomb Girls” The Harder We Fight 25

25 The Harder We Fight When a group of Maritimers arrive at the plant, one of the girls immediately draws Betty's suspicions and ire. Lorna's...

“Moonshiners” Last Shiner Standing 212

212 Last Shiner Standing Tickle devises a risky plan to sell Tim's moonshine in the second-season finale. Later, Josh and Bill's still site is compromised.,...