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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Southland” Reazione a catena 52

52 Episode : Reazione a catena Heat Mendoza rimane ferito in uno scontro a fuoco e Ben è deciso a risolvere il caso. Lydia ritrova il...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Non ti scordar di me 1315

1315 Episode : Non ti scordar di me Forget Me Not Sara diventa la principale sospettata in un caso di omicidio a causa di un breve...

“Io e la mia ossessione” Amore per le api

Extreme Hair; Addicted to Bee Stings Amore per le api' Incontriamo una donna che non taglia i capelli da 25 anni. La sua chioma...

“Guardia Costiera” La comandante 167

167 Episode : La comandante Die Kapitänin Nele Willemsen, comandante donna del mercantile Nordic Star, viene recuperata priva di sensi e con amnesia a bordo della...

“Arrow” Ladro di gioielli 115

115 Episode : Ladro di gioielli Dodger Oliver, ferito da un proiettile, si rivolge a Felicity in cerca di aiuto. La donna, accompagnata da Diggle, si...

“House Hunters” She Has Baby Fever and He Wants a Room for His Drums 7111

7111 She Has Baby Fever and He Wants a Room for His Drums A couple who are thinking of starting a family look at homes...

“Making Mr. Right” Three Tickets to Paradise 18

18 In the Season 1 finale, the final three bachelors head to Panama to meet their matches, only to face an unforeseen twist. Q&A :...

“Mr. & Mrs. Murder” Early Checkout 11

11 Early Checkout In the series premiere, married crime-scene cleaners Charlie and Nicola Buchanan investigate the murder of a national icon found dead in a...

“Mind of a Rampage Killer”

Miles O'Brien examines the possible motivations of rampage killers, including the theory that they're driven by the desire to die, not kill, but...

“Big Rich Atlanta” Shut the Truck Up! 16

16 Shut the Truck Up! The pressure proves too much for Harvin when she is coerced into showing her artwork at an event headed by...