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“Nikita” Maschere 317

317 Episode : Maschere Masks Amanda uccide Danforth e attira Owen in un agguato. Dopo averlo stordito, fa in modo di restituirgli la memoria e Owen...

“Delitti di famiglia” Il dottor Morte 25

25 Episode : Il dottor Morte Paging Doctor Death Quando un rispettabile dottore viene ucciso, i sospetti ricadono sulla sua famiglia piena di problemi. Cosa nascondono...

“America’s Book of Secrets” The Mafia 22

22 The Mafia Exploring the underground world of organized crime., According to the FBI, the American Mafia still has approximately 3,000 active members. Could the...

“Yukon Men” Dead of Winter 28

28 Dead of Winter It is the middle of winter and Stan has been hunting for a over week with no reward. Courtney is missing...

“Alacrán enamorado”

After becoming involved with a group of Neo-Nazis, a young man tries to turn his life around through training in boxing and beginning...

“The Dead Files” Evil Underground – Rock Island, Illinois 320

320 Evil Underground - Rock Island, Illinois A woman and her children claim to be experiencing paranormal activity at their home in Rock Island, Ill....

“Building Mathematical Competencies in Early Childhood”

This film deals with the WHY's, WHAT's, and HOW's of including rich, developmentally appropriate mathematics experiences for young children in Pre-Kindergarten classrooms:WHY?...

“Dates From Hell” First Date, Last Date 21

21 First Date, Last Date In the second-season opener, a man's date with his dream woman ends in violence. Q&A : Q: Who are the main...

“Superbook” Noah and the Ark

Noah and the Ark Joy and Chris face a difficult decision at school regarding someone who is a dangerous influence, and the book then...

“Happy Endings” She Got Game Night 318

318 She Got Game Night When Brad and Jane host a couples' game night, Max turns up with his friend Scotty and Penny brings Pete...