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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” S:1 E:5 American Revolution and the Economic Crisis

S:1 E:5 American Revolution and the Economic Crisis Explore the economic problems of France in the 1780s. The nation was deeply in debt, due to...

“Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” S:1 E:6 The Political Awakening of 1789

S:1 E:6 The Political Awakening of 1789 When the Estates-General met in 1789 to tackle the nation's woes, several questions were on the table: Who...

“Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” S:1 E:48 Revolutionary Legacies

S:1 E:48 Revolutionary Legacies In this concluding lecture, you'll look at how the ideas, symbols, and practices of the Revolution had far-ranging consequences that are...


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana This riveting documentary film explores the issues of loss...

“Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” S:1 E:28 The Revolution Devours Her Children

S:1 E:28 The Revolution Devours Her Children Continue your study of the Terror and explore the fundamental contradiction of using brutal means to create an...

“Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon” S:1 E:10 Paris Commands Its King

S:1 E:10 Paris Commands Its King March to Versailles with thousands of women and National Guardsmen to protest the price of bread and to lobby...

“Acquari di famiglia” Dose salutare 317

317 Episode : Dose salutare A Healthy Dose of ATM I ragazzi sono alle prese con una strana richiesta: un acquario a forma di siringa per...


Due fratelli, Joe e Chrissie Fairburns, entrambi poliziotti, lavorano al caso dell'omicidio di una ragazza. Quando trovano il presunto colpevole, si fanno giustizia...

“Spie al ristorante” Salsa segreta

Barbecue Blues Alcuni ristoratori si affidano ad alcune "spie" per controllare i loro impiegati. La squadra tenta di impedire furti e imbrogli che danneggiano...

“Unscripted” Alan Thicke

Alan Thicke Alan Thicke is featured. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Unscripted "Alan Thicke ? A: The main cast...