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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“The Goldbergs” I Kremp 18

18 Episode : I Kremp The Kremps Una nuova famiglia si trasferisce nel vicinato e Beverly organizza un barbecue in loro onore, insistendo perché vi prendano...

“Person of Interest” Partita finale 38

38 Episode : Partita finale Endgame Carter continua la sua battaglia solitaria contro la HR; facendo sparire un carico di droga riesce a far scatenare una...

“The Originals” Il potere del sangue 17

17 Episode : Il potere del sangue Bloodletting Marcel rivela a Klaus ed Elia che il responsabile della scomparsa di Hayley non è lui ma Tyler,...

“New Girl” Cena cinese 38

38 Episode : Cena cinese Menus Cena Cinese. Coach tenta invano di allenare Nick. Jess non riesce a portare i suoi alunni in gita. Schmidt, trasferitosi,...

“Chicago Fire” Situazione disperata 26

26 Episode : Situazione disperata Joyriding Ultime ore di campagna elettorale per Mouch, che si è candidato alla presidenza del sindacato dei vigili del fuoco. Lo...

“Infinite Power” 11

11 Jung Sun Jae meets some interesting characters when he moves into a boarding house. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in...

“Tosh.0” Security Officer Jay 526

526 Security Officer Jay Daniel celebrates Movember. Also: a Web Redemption for a security guard., Join razor-sharp comedian Daniel Tosh as he takes on everything...

“Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition” Down the Rabbit Hole 211

211 Down the Rabbit Hole All of the dances are inspired by "Alice in Wonderland." One girl pays the price when her mom resorts to...

“Shahs of Sunset” These People Are Not Your Friends 32

32 These People Are Not Your Friends Asa visits a bottling plant for her water product, only to discover she must make more changes. Meanwhile,...

“Face Off” Naked and Painted

Naked and Painted The art of body painting is demonstrated and explored during an hour hosted by McKenzie Westmore and featuring commentary by the...