Episode : The Early Bird
The Early Bird
Un'escursione di bird watcher subisce un tragico epilogo. Uno degli ospiti viene trovato ucciso, ma non si...
Episode : La ballerina
Die barfüßige Prinzessin
Cindy, una giovane che con suo marito Michael ha in affidamento due bambini, viene strangolata in un sottopassaggio....
Episode : Ricerca di scienze
Battle of the Goblins
Mentre Frankie finisce la ricerca di scienze, Hank va a comprare una nuova console per l'amico....
Tax-code changes and itemized deductions; a sci-fi medical gadget that may become reality; riding the wave of change vs. drowning under it.
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Sins of the Father
Danny wonders if he deserves a second chance, while Karen has doubts about reconnecting with Jack. Elsewhere, Lacey thinks there's...
Blue Blood
A well-liked woman from New England is murdered in her apartment., A well-liked New England woman is murdered in her apartment.
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