Episode : Il topo e l'elefante
The Spy Who Came Up to the Cold
L'assassinio del Presidente William McKinley svela il coinvolgimento di un gruppo...
Episode : L'ascesa
The Messenger
Dopo la cerimonia funebre per il padre di Mike, il Direttore dell'FBI, Tom Franklin, discute con Ryan sull'esistenza di una...
(Sub) The Inter-High Begins
Sakamichi and the team arrive at Enoshima, the starting location of the Inter-high.Nervous about his first race, Sakamichi can't hide...
Behind Closed Doors
The subject is infidelity at a dinner party hosted by Sarah. Meanwhile, Erika hopes to resurrect her acting career, but troubles...
Paranormal Activities
The owner of Taverna Mazi in Seattle wants Charles to look into rumors that members of his staff are offering "haunted tours"...
Collision Course
Despite both the Sin Mob and Laffing Devils having numerous members with serious injuries, they prepare for a battle and bid farewell...