S:1 E:10
Anusara Yoga
Explore the spiritual dimension of yoga through an Anusara practice, which combines the Iyengar system of alignment with elements of Hindu...
S:1 E:9
Building an Audio Amplifier
Put your knowledge to use by building a complete audio amplifier. First, create a two-stage amplifier, then add capacitors...
S:1 E:6
Yoga for Depression and Anxiety
Examine how mindful, moving yoga can help interrupt the physical and psychological habits that lead to depression. Focus...
S:1 E:5
Yoga and Addictive Behavior
Discover how yoga and attention to the body's sensations can aid in breaking the vicious cycle of addictive behaviors....
S:1 E:21
Digital Counters
Flip-flops can be connected together to create counting circuits. Examine the circuitry behind 2-bit, n-bit, and decade counters, then see how...