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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:7 “Leading Great”

S:1 E:7 "Leading Great" In Session 7, "Leading Great," you will discover the kind of leadership Jesus has invited and even commanded you to imitate. Watch...

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:4 “Follow Wear”

S:1 E:4 "Follow Wear" In Session 4, "Follow Wear," you will learn the five things that the Bible directs you to wear as a Christian. Watch...

“The God-First Life Video Bible Study by Stovall Weems” S:1 E:1 “Your Life, God’s Way”

S:1 E:1 "Your Life, God's Way" Session 1, "Your Life, God's Way," leads you to the first step of seeking first God's kingdom instead of...

“How To Be a Pinup Model”

Pinup modeling is a body-positive experience. Glamour has no age, height, or size requirements. All you need is a good attitude and...

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:1 “Jesus Says”

S:1 E:1 "Jesus Says" In Session 1, "Jesus Says," you will learn that when Jesus asked you to follow him, it was an invitation to...

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:3 “Fearless”

S:1 E:3 "Fearless" In Session 3, "Fearless," you will look into your own life and look for fears that you need to entrust to God...

“The God-First Life Video Bible Study by Stovall Weems” S:1 E:5 “Are You Ready for Greatness?”

S:1 E:5 "Are You Ready for Greatness?" Session 5, "Are You Ready for Greatness?" teaches that being a Christian is not a spectator sport; Jesus...

“The God-First Life Video Bible Study by Stovall Weems” S:1 E:6 “Free Life”

S:1 E:6 "Free Life" Session 6, "Free Life," teaches that true and lasting freedom begins when your mind is surrendered to God, he guides your...

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:5 “The Fine Print”

S:1 E:5 "The Fine Print" In Session 5, "The Fine Print," you will learn the difference between being a follower of Jesus and a consumer...

“Follow Video Bible Study by Andy Stanley” S:1 E:8 “Unfollow”

S:1 E:8 "Unfollow" In Session 8, "Unfollow," you will learn what it is that keeps a disciple from leaving the faith and learn the true...