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“Building Alaska” Dov’è l’elicottero? 37

37 Episode : Dov'è l'elicottero? The Missing Helicopter La squadra di Lee si dà da fare per correggere un grave errore: il calcolo sbagliato della struttura...

“Building Alaska” The Missing Helicopter 37

37 The Missing Helicopter Lee's crew scramble to correct a mistake after a mighty framing miscalculation; Tony makes a decision that could potentially destroy his...

“Clip: Mine Block: Survival” S:30 E:9 Nether Hub Complete

S:30 E:9 Nether Hub Complete I got a bit carried away, but we managed to finish the nether hub! Watch on Amazon

“Fareed Zakaria GPS” 740

740 Topics: ISIS; the future of technology; overturning the global system and ushering in a new (dis)order. Guests: Graeme Wood (The Atlantic); Shadi Hamid...

“The Seven Deadly Sins” The Fairy King Waits In Vain 119

119 Machibōke no Yōsei-ō King remembers his encounter with Diane from seven hundred years ago as well as the tragic incident with Helbram. Q&A : Q:...

“Yatterman Night” Dream Sea 17

17 The gang comes to a seashore where a wall divides the open sea and the inland sea. Q&A : Q: Who are the main...

“Maria the Virgin Witch” War Feeds On War 17

17 Maria steps in to intervene in the ensuing war. A major turn of events occur to Galfa on the battlefield, leading to a...

“Ghostly Encounters” Disturbed Graves; Haunted Institutions

Disturbed Graves; Haunted Institutions Strange things start to happen to a couple after a nearby grave site is disrupted. Also: Historical institutions that are...

“Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution” Widow’s Run 212

212 Widow's Run The Avengers protect Widow and Thor as they carry out Widow's plan to get rid of the Infinity Stones before Thanos arrives...

“The Walking Dead” The Distance 511

511 The Distance Having survived through the prison and Terminus, Rick doubts word of another safe haven. Does he yield again, or does he return...