S:1 E:2
Power, Strength & Movement
Generate heat through the body with this dynamicsequence that establishes power in the upper and lowerbody through natural movements...
S:1 E:1
Shoulder Mobility & Core Stability
Stretch and strengthen the muscles of theshoulder, improving range of motion. Thepractice also incorporates core work tostabilize the...
S:1 E:26
The Admirer
Things on cat-island aren't going so good since well I arrived. This leads into another village that has some interesting characters.
Episode : E il servizio fotografico
And the Minor Problem
Nel bel mezzo del servizio fotografico di Nashit, fa irruzione sua madre, arrivata dall'Irlanda e...
Episode : Occhio per occhio
Fire With Fire
Klaus giura vendetta quando scopre di essere stato tradito dai suoi stessi fratelli. Elijah, Rebekah e Freya...