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“Yoga For Blissful Hips & Hamstrings”

Join Yoga|Merge and instructor Drinie Aguilar for an awesome hour of yoga that will focus on your hips and hamstrings! Drinie will...

“Poppy Cat” Flute Lesson 239

239 Flute Lesson Alma wants to learn how to play the flute. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Poppy Cat "Flute Lesson...

“Miles dal futuro” Un problema di crescita / L’avventura del tardigrado

A Growing Problem; the Tardigrade Escapade Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Miles dal futuro "Un problema di crescita /...

“Hannibal” E la bestia venuta dal mare 311

311 Episode : E la bestia venuta dal mare ...And the Beast From the Sea Hannibal suggerisce a Dolarhyde di sterminare la famiglia di Will e...

“Il clan”

Argentina, anni '80. Arquimedes Puccio, padre di famiglia che conduce una vita tranquilla e abitudinaria, decide, senza farsi troppi scrupoli, di fare soldi...

“Alvinnn!!! e i Chipmunks” Una sorella un po’ strana 114

114 Episode : Una sorella un po' strana My Sister the Weirdo Jeanette chiede aiuto ad Alvin per imparare ad avere più fiducia in sé stessa,...

“Storage Wars Canada” Confessioni di un mimo

Confessions of a Dangerous Mime Bogart tenta di riportare in forma suo padre in tempo per il matrimonio. Intanto, Roy porta un mimo a...

“Little Lunch” The Cake Stall 118

118 The Cake Stall When Melanie decides to have a cake stall to raise money for homeless puppies, she asks Debra-Jo and Tamara for help....

“Go Away Mr. Tumor”

A cartoonist turns her battle with cancer into a comic series that chronicles her journey, which is filled with both dark and amusing...

“Project Runway” It’s All in the Cards 142

142 It's All in the Cards An unconventional materials challenge tasks the clothiers to create high-style looks by integrating Hallmark cards into their designs. Singer...