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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine” S:1 E:21 Stay Safe in the Emergency Department

S:1 E:21 Stay Safe in the Emergency Department Gain insights into tips and practices that emergency department doctors and patients should know to ensure their...

“Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine” S:1 E:7 Chest Pain

S:1 E:7 Chest Pain This lecture focuses on patients with chest pain, which might be either a sign of a mild illness or an actual...

“How to Publish Your Book” S:1 E:19 Working Effectively with Your Publisher

S:1 E:19 Working Effectively with Your Publisher While most aspiring writers are thrilled to get to this point in the publication process, it's also important...

“How to Publish Your Book” S:1 E:21 Career Marketing Strategies for Writers

S:1 E:21 Career Marketing Strategies for Writers Author websites, blogs, newsletters and emails, and social media will be your responsibility, and these marketing tools are...

“How to Publish Your Book” S:1 E:22 When and How

S:1 E:22 When and How Discuss the value of publishers, then review specific scenarios in which you may not need those benefits. When is self-publishing...

“How to Publish Your Book” S:1 E:5 What to Expect from a Literary Agent

S:1 E:5 What to Expect from a Literary Agent Examine the pros and cons to using literary agents, and learn how the responsibilities and obligations...

“Wonders of the National Parks: A Geology of North America” S:1 E:27 Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches

S:1 E:27 Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches Nowhere is nature's artistry more exquisite than in the intricately eroded parks of the Colorado Plateau-from Bryce Canyon, to...

“Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine” S:1 E:19 The Big Picture in Emergency Medicine

S:1 E:19 The Big Picture in Emergency Medicine A fever thats actually a sign of a very dramatic, potentially deadly disease. Abdominal pain thats not...

“Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine” S:1 E:23 Emergency Medicine Lessons from the Past

S:1 E:23 Emergency Medicine Lessons from the Past What was emergency medicine like in the 1800s? Go back in time to the American Civil War...

“Medical School for Everyone: Emergency Medicine” S:1 E:14 The Missing Piece in an Emergency Diagnosis

S:1 E:14 The Missing Piece in an Emergency Diagnosis Emergency department patients often arent ready to trust the doctors attending them, since they have just...