S:1 E:3
Cardio Sculpt
Mini Bursts feature high-powered progressions using kettlebell style exercises, with lower impact alternatives that suit your fitness level.
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S:1 E:2
By adding plyometric jump transitions, simple sports drills get kick up a notch, sending fat and calorie burn into the stratosphere!
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S:1 E:3
Cardio Sculpt
This fast paced, efficient program combines low impact cardio and sculpting into one perfect workout that hits every muscle including those...
S:1 E:2
Mini Bursts feature high-powered progressions using kettlebell style exercises, with lower impact alternatives that suit your fitness level.
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Episode : Brutta ferita
Three's a Crowd
Un uomo e sua moglie arrivano al pronto soccorso dopo un incidente con l'aspirapolvere. Un pattinatore arriva in...
Episode : Disturbi di memoria
Témoin gênant
Essendo testimone oculare di un delitto, Cherif viene investito da un'auto. Temporaneamente affetto da amnesia, il poliziotto ha...
Episode : I veri eroi non riposano mai
À la folie
Ancora convalescente, Cherif incontra nella struttura in cui è ricoverato una donna psicotica, Elodie,...
Angel Fire Mountain Adventure Getaway
A Dallas couple with three active teenagers search for a cabin getaway in Angel Fire, N.M., where they enjoy...