S:1 E:11
Object Lessons
Examine how we categorize verbs based on how they function within the sentence. Along the way, grapple with thorny usage issues,...
S:1 E:21
What Part of Speech is Um?
Within the grammar of conversation, study the distinction between involved discourse, which relates to negotiating relationships, and...
S:1 E:20
Navigating the Choppy Paragraph
Learn how to make your prose writing flow and avoid choppiness through key syntactic choices. Study the known-new contract,...
S:1 E:6
Between You and Your Pronouns
Enter the world of pronouns, beginning with personal pronouns and the complications that arise around conjoined constructions (e.g.,...
S:1 E:24
Trending Language
Examine some new grammatical expressions that are on the rise, and explore the controversy they ignite within the linguistic community. Remember...
S:1 E:23
Its/Its Confusing
Apostrophes present multiple usage issues. Examine how we use them with contractions and possessives, noting the problems involved with nouns ending...
S:1 E:16
However to Use However
Conjunctive adverbs (such as thus," "consequently," or "moreover") conjoin two clauses. Identify the range of conjunctive adverbs and their...
S:1 E:6
Framemeister Alternatives - OSSC, DVDO, SCART to HDMI & More
Looking for a video scaler alternative to the Framemeister for your retro games?...