S:1 E:53
Poisons, Toxins, and Venoms
Survey the types of chemicals that can harm human health. First, analyze the differences between a poison, a toxin,...
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Thinking Scientifically about Decisions
Have you ever wondered why people make the decisions they do? Using the metaphor of manufacturing, learn what science...
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An Evolutionary View of Decision Making
You might never have thought to blame a bad decision on your ancestors' development millennia ago, but...
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Lewis Structures
Working at the turn of the 20th century, chemist Gilbert N. Lewis devised a simple method for depicting the essential blueprint...
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The Role of Memory in Decisions
In addition to the new information your brain is constantly acquiring, you use memory in your decision-making...
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How Evaluability Affects Decisions
Research shows that when evaluating options, we tend to place more importance on attributes we understand and less importance...
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How Consistency Drives Decisions
Learn how the strong desire for consistency--between beliefs and actions, and between current and past actions--drives both our decision...
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How Goals Guide Our Decisions
Can you influence the cognitive machinery that manufactures your decisions? Absolutely. Learn why and how our goals motivate...