S:1 E:17
Stravinsky in America
Delve into the singular aesthetic philosophy behind Stravinsky's neoclassic music, in which he describes his compositional process as purely formal...
S:1 E:10
Tone Method
In 1925, Schoenberg developed a compositional system that would dominate Western concert music for 50 years. Study the elements of his...
S:1 E:10
American Satirist
The 18th century was also the golden age of satire, which provided an excellent way to question authority and challenge received...
S:1 E:7
In addition to the print revolution, the 18th century saw scientific paradigms shift with the triumph of empirical knowledge. Franklin was a...
S:1 E:4
Benjamin Franklin and Philadelphia
Shift your attention to the next stop on Franklin's life voyage, the City of Brotherly Love. Not only was...
Episode : Segreti sepolti
Brew the Right Thing
Due fratelli assumono Shade e Angie per scoprire chi stia cercando di sabotare la loro pluripremiata birra.