S:1 E:8
Conquering the Castle
Welcome to Minecraft Expedition Part 8! We'll conquer challenging dungeons, loot ancient treasures, travel to other dimensions, and build our...
S:1 E:7
High Altitude Flight and Areobatics
Demonstrates the Thunderbolt in dives, loops, slow rolls, Immelman turns, spins, and recoveries, and half rolls. Stresses precautions...
S:1 E:22
Souvenir Hunt & Hide-and-Seek Part 3!
Welcome to the Yoshi's Crafted World Part 22! We continue our Yoshi Nintendo Switch adventure with Yoshi...
Gli algoritmi di ogni giorno: divide et impera
Può una strategia politica aiutarci ad affrontare problemi di grandi dimensioni? Se la strategia è il...