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List of Tv Shows, Movies & News:

“Paper Mario The Origami King with Cottrello” S:1 E:11 Down the White Water Rapids

S:1 E:11 Down the White Water Rapids With the Water Vellumental's power, Olivia is able to refill the lake in the Autumn Mountains. A stream...

“Clip: Paper Mario The Origami King with Bricks ‘O’ Brian” S:1 E:20 Best Friends for Life!

S:1 E:20 Best Friends for Life! Brian plays through the Yellow Streamer section of Paper Mario: The Origami King! Find out all the interesting battle...

“Paper Mario The Origami King with Cottrello” S:1 E:2 Through the Whispering Woods

S:1 E:2 Through the Whispering Woods Mario and Olivia fall into the Whispering Woods, determined to return to Peach's Castle to save Luigi. Watch on Amazon

“Paper Mario The Origami King with Cottrello” S:1 E:16 Olivia’s Resolve

S:1 E:16 Olivia's Resolve As Mario and Bobby rush to Olivia's aid, she'll need to find the resolve to move forward. Watch on Amazon

“Clip: Paper Mario The Origami King with Bricks ‘O’ Brian” S:1 E:1 All Tangled Up!

S:1 E:1 All Tangled Up! Brian plays through the beginning of Paper Mario: The Origami King! Find out all the interesting battle strategies, hidden treasures,...

“Clip: Paper Mario The Origami King with Bricks ‘O’ Brian” S:1 E:5 Inter-dimensional Sewage System!

S:1 E:5 Inter-dimensional Sewage System! Brian plays through the Red Streamer section of Paper Mario: The Origami King! Find out all the interesting battle strategies,...

“Clip: Paper Mario Gameplay – Zebra Gamer” S:2 E:6 The End! Bowser Final Boss! Chapter 8!

S:2 E:6 The End! Bowser Final Boss! Chapter 8! Welcome to Paper Mario Part 32! We continue our Paper Mario Nintendo 64 adventure with Chapter...

“Clip: Paper Mario The Origami King with Bricks ‘O’ Brian” S:1 E:6 Peaceful Mountain Pass!

S:1 E:6 Peaceful Mountain Pass! Brian plays through the Red Streamer section of Paper Mario: The Origami King! Find out all the interesting battle strategies,...

“Paper Mario The Origami King with Cottrello” S:1 E:3 Luigi’s Fate

S:1 E:3 Luigi's Fate Mario runs through the paper mch monster infested Toad Town in order to reach the sight where Luigi was last seen. Watch...

“Paper Mario The Origami King with Cottrello” S:1 E:22 Bonehead Island and the Great Sea

S:1 E:22 Bonehead Island and the Great Sea At Captain T. Ode's request, Mario explores Bonehead Island to find a way to lift the fog...