Country of origin, year: India, 2023 2 h 34 min
Genre / series info (years): historical drama
Rating : IMDB 8.6
Plot: The story of the fate of a great warrior and constructor, Subhedar Tanaji Malusare.
Director: Digpal Lanjekar
Writer / Co-Writers: Digpal Lanjekar
Released date/ platform: 25th August 2023
Actors: Chinmay Mandlekar, Ajay Purkar, Smita Shewale
Movie Review: An epic story about the hero Subhedar, who not only outshined other characters of that era with his courage, but also contributed to the development of the entire infrastructure of the kingdom. Let me quote the words of Akhilesh Neralekar of Loksatta who wrote: “…the film Subhedar is not a perfect historical film, but it is a masterpiece that studies history thoroughly and presents people with an interesting plot that should appeal to every viewer.” I recommend and invite you to watch it.