Tag: Movie

Once Upon a Crime: A Japanese Crime-Based Fantasy on Netflix

It's the story of Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. Cinderella is going to a royal ball, and Little Red Riding Hood, who hunts...

Gammattu: A Telugu Crime Thriller Movie on Prime Video

Gammattu is the story of a young boy named Bavaji. Bavaji is very determined about his future and desires to be a scientist. After...

Barbie: American Fantasy Movie on Prime Video

Barbie lives in the wonderful world of Barbieland. She faces an existential crisis there. To know her real identity and purpose of living, she...

Nireekshana: Telugu Thriller Movie on Prime Video

Nikreeshana is the story of a man who recently began his business and works as a pimp for an elite circle. He makes an...

Barbie is Breaking all the Milestones! Limitlessly

The movie “Barbie” of Greta Gerwig’s made with a budget of $145 million is breaking all the records of box office like a storm...


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