The series revolves around a young woman named Nella Rogers. She works at a leading publishing house, Wagner Books, in New York City. She is the assistant editor and the only black woman working for the publishing house. Another black woman named Hazel-May McCall joins the company. Nella and Hazel quickly became friends.
Nella starts to receive mysterious messages and is threatened to stay away from Hazel. The situation becomes more mysterious when Nella faces difficult situations at work because of Hazel.
The cast of the series includes Sinclair Daniel, Ashleigh Murray, Brittany Adebumola, Hunter Parrish, Bellamy Young, Eric McCormack, and other various supporting artists.
The story of the series is based on the novel The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris. The series is developed by Zakiya Dalila Harris and Rashida Jones.
The series was released on September 15, 2023, and is streaming on Disney+.
Genre: comedy, drama, horror, mystery, thriller, satire