Genre: thriller, comedy
The story of the series revolves around three friends named Lee Joon Sung, Song Jae Hyo, and Park Min Woo. They graduated together from the same high school. They are still good friends. Although they are busy with their lives now, they meet up regularly to ease the tensions.
Lee Joon-sung was a soccer player in high school. He wanted to become a soccer player in future. But his dreams were shattered due to some circumstances. Song Jae Hyo is currently attending medical school. Park Min-woo is the only son of a wealthy family.
The three friends meet up for drinks. Song Jae Hyo is facing a problem and frustrated for not getting any solution for his problems. He asks his friends for help. After so much discussion, three friends agree on one solution. To make easy money, three friends decide to fake the kidnapping of Park Min Woo, as he belongs to a wealthy family.
After the kidnapping is staged, things take an unexpected turn, which leads the three friends on a complicated and turbulent path.
Actors Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi, and Yoo Su Bin are playing key roles with various other actors in the supporting roles in the series.
The series is directed by Lee Jung Gon. The story of the series is written by Hong Jong Sung.
The series is released on October 6, 2023, on Viki Rakuten.